
a therapy session

Holistic therapies are ancient practices that recognise that we are more than just our physical bodies, and that our emotional, mental, and spiritual health are equally important. By addressing all aspects of a person’s being, holistic therapies offer a pathway to wholeness, peace, and wellbeing.

Appointment duration is approximately 1 hour including consultation.

Therapies are each priced £36. Bespoke therapy packages are available – please enquire.

IMPORTANT: Therapies are carried out at Happy Chakras Peace Den, a peaceful, private space at my home. My home is unsuitable for those with a dog allergy and those with certain mobility issues (there are steps).

If you’re seeking a bespoke wellbeing experience, combining two or more therapies a therapy package can be made up for you.

If you need advice in choosing which therapy may be best for you, I will be happy to help.


Happy Chakras Therapies

Aromatherapy Back Massage with Reflexology Taster. Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils extracted from plants to provide an aromatic experience. In aromatherapy massage, a blend of oils is absorbed into the body through the skin and through the nasal passage promoting natural healing and wellbeing. The massage is gentle and soothing, perfect for total relaxation. For the Reflexology taster – see below for description.

Reflexology / Thai Foot Massage: combines reflexology and Thai foot massage. Pressure is placed on certain reflexology zones on the feet using fingers and thumbs, and this is combined with Traditional Thai foot massage techniques to stimulate acupressure points and Sen energy lines on the feet using thumbs, hands, and a small, wooden stick-like acupressure tool.

The full therapy includes a foot soak and massage of the lower legs (optional). Benefits include improved circulation in the legs and feet, stimulation of lymphatic drainage, toxin removal, boost for immune system, stress reduction, and relaxation. Leaves feet feeling refreshed and light, and mind and body relaxed.


a therapy session
a therapy session

Indian Head Massage: massage of the soft tissues and muscles on the upper back, shoulders and upper arms, neck, head, and scalp to bring about tension release.

This therapy involves the hair being ruffled and massage oil will also get onto hair. It’s advised to bring a comb/hairbrush.

Feet and Chakras: the feet are our foundation, the roots that ground us to the earth. In Reiki, the feet are associated with the root chakra, the energy centre that governs our sense of safety and security. This balancing, restorative package combines Reiki with Reflexology/Thai foot massage to help balance the root chakra and restore a sense of stability and grounding to your being.

Reiki and Reiki Drum Healing

Go to the ‘Reiki’ page.